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It's true everyone has to start somewhere...

Updated: Jan 1, 2023

Whether you're an amateur musician just starting your journey with music or taking your first steps in a new career, it can be overwhelming to tackle everything at once and we all have to take that first step....

For the past year, I've often thought about starting a blog but never quite had the confidence to take that first step. It's a big thing starting something new at any age and when I first started playing music, I never imagined or dreamed I'd be where I am today.

So I'd best introduce myself...

I'm Sarah, a freelance musician, creative music teacher and singer songwriter based in South Yorkshire. Music 's been a huge part of me now for the past 20 years at least and I'm hoping over the coming months to share with you, a bit of the behind the scenes of what's it's like to be a young entrepreneur, start a music business in your 20's and share my music journey with tips and tricks along the way and more...

I'll leave you with a note...

"GOOD THINGS come to those who WAIT. BETTER THINGS come to those who TRY. THE BEST THINGS come to those who NEVER GIVE UP."

Trying something new can often be a big step out of your comfort zone, starting a new instrument can be a struggle but if you can just take a small step - the accomplishment of those that never give up is worth the wait.

The new year is the perfect time to start a new instrument, follow a dream or overcome a fear, so why not give something new a go?

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